Friday, April 22, 2011

amazin song :)

I'm currently obsessed with the song "Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band. :) i love country!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh father...

Tonight at mutual we had our annual standards night and it was a daddy daughter date. best thing EVER!! at one point we had to answer questions about our dads' singing. whether it was like Elvis, the segul on ariel, or other things. when my leader read Elvis, she pointed at my dad. next thing i know he is standing up to face the people (unfortunately we were in the front row) and started singing, "You ain't nothing but a hound dog!" in his best elvis interpretation. My sister and i basically died with laughter. we both cried and laughed for like 10 minutes after! Funniest thing of my life!!!!!! i love my Daddy!!! if you wonder why im the way i am... look at my family. you'll find all the evidence you need.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Im tired of feeling empty. im tired of not having someone who genuinely cares and can make me smile when im down. hopefully i wake up, cause im getting sick of this.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No matter what.

No matter what i'll stand by my friends. all the time. sometimes its hard to be supportive of everyone.. but im gonna try. I can't watch my friends fall. I just can't do it. I will be there.
Its an oldie. but i still love these girls!
 I love Katie and Jessie so much!! we have fun. :)

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time i had a fierce obsession with tweety. i collected tweety stuff and i still have a tweety alarm clock (which i still use) ya. i had an awesome childhood... :)