Friday, February 15, 2013

Quin and me. We're adorable.

V-Day what what

Valentines day.
So... I had a valentine this year. and his name is Quin. and I like him. a lot. :)
Yesterday was "the day of love" or whatever. haha so naturally I felt like I should do something for him, but I definitely had no time or resources to do so. In the end, I made him a plate of sugar cookies, decorated rather patriotically. (he loves America, let me tell ya!) It wasn't much, but I think he enjoyed them :)
What did he get me you ask? Oh, you know.. he MADE me a GIANT HEART PILLOW!! It has the minky fabric and is suuuupppeerrr soft and lovely to stroke. I love it!! :) He made it all by himself! (with a bit of help from his mother of course.)
Generally, the day of the valentine was a rather boring, slightly dismal day and I was thrilled to see Quin at the end of it and to get that very lush pillow and a kiss from my valentine definitely made the whole day a success.

Moral of the story? I have an awesome boyfriend and an awesome giant heart pillow. :)


A lot can happen in a year. and a lot can happen in a month. and sometimes a lot can happen in a day. HOLY SNOT.
A year ago I had just lost my two best friends and was basically alone for a while.. now I have 2 amazing best friends and a couple other besties and many amazing people in my life.
A month ago I was livin the single life I've always been used to. But then I met Quin.. and now look at me! I have a full-on boyfriend that's best friends with my best friend. and my other best friend kinda feels left out a bit cause she's the third/fifth wheel, unfortunately. oh well! we still love her!
Yesterday I didn't have a job. but today I was hired at Cafe Zupas!!!! They are delicious. I am sososo excited to work there. I'm excited because 1-I finally have a job and won't be as completely dirt poor and 2-Zupas is one of my favorite restaurants! Win Win! I have to memorize the menu.. which might be a challenge, but I think I can get it done.
My life is going to continue to change throughout the next couple weeks as I start working and continue on the path of being in a relationship. I feel like my life is about to explode, honestly! I'm going to be extremely busy when I really start working and I'm not going to have time to do ANYTHING. but, welcome to the real world, princess!
So basically I just need to prepare to be doing something at all times.. goodbye nap time! :/ but! hello college money! :) Also, hopefully I will find out soon if I got into BYU! and hopefully soon I will be able to decide where to go and what to study! all in good time. I have to keep reminding myself that or else I'd probably detonate, which I'd like to avoid for now. WELP! that's all.yup.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why not?

Gonna start bloggin' for real. why not? life's interesting for once, so I better document the glory days :)