Thursday, January 30, 2014

Still Livin'

Life goes by fast, man.

I'm almost a month into my second semester at BYU now. Last semester was great! I learned a lot about myself, how to handle college, and lots of other things. I also made one of the most important decisions of my entire life last semester! I decided that I was gonna go on a MISSION!! woo!! It was a hard decision to make, especially considering what a scardy-cat I am. But! It's definitely what I'm supposed to do. Currently, I'm waiting for my call to come! It should come sometime next week, and I am freaking out!! I have to try not to think about it too much cause then I start getting either really scared, nervous, emotional, etc. I just can't believe that I'm actually going on a mission.
It hasn't sunk in yet.. and when it does, it's gonna hit me like a ton of bricks. Which will probably happen when I'm opening my call, which will be just great cause then I'll just sob in front of everyone. haha.. But really I can't wait to finally know where I'll be spending the next 18 months of my life, and what language I'll be teaching in. and when I will leave. All of that good stuff. I'm seriously so pumped to be a missionary. I have SO MANY friends on missions right now, that I see their amazing examples and how much they are loving their missions and it gets me even more excited. I can't wait to help the work move forward.

School is really hard, guys. Right now I'm in anatomy and bio-organic chemistry. and those two classes are very challenging. Lots of studying, lots of work. Throw on a bunch of American Heritage homework and some Book of Mormon journal entries, and you've got yourself a busy, tired Emily. I'm staying afloat right now, but it's just getting harder everyday to do the studying I need to do. In a couple weeks, I have a mid term in all of my classes except Book of Mormon. I'm probably gonna have a melt down or two.. but.. oh well! haha I'll live through it! These things will be for my good, right?

So let me tell ya about my fabulous roommates! Last semester, there were just five of us in good ol' Regency 210. There was Greer Bates, Sharisa Nay, Megan Armknecht, and Sara Herald. We all got along splendidly and we had some really fun times. Greer and Sharisa were companions on their missions to the Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk mission. Megan also served in Ukraine, but she served in the Donetsk mission. Sara is only a year older than me and is from Texas. She's the only other not-Russian-speaking girl in the apartment. haha I love them all! Greer left us at the end of the first semester to go do a seminar/internship thing in Washington DC for winter semester, which is sad cause we love her and miss her! The good news is that we got two new roommates and they are awesome too! Their names are Emily Nevers and Jillian Bull. They were both former companions of Megan's, so let's just say I hear a lot of Russian. I can even say like 8 words now! They're so proud of me. They're all seriously so great and I am so thankful not to have any cranky, nasty roommates, cause I was definitely worried about that when I first moved out. Good thing we all just love each other!

So... yep! That's about all there is to my life right now. I'm just studying my brains out and anxiously awaiting my mission call. and from there, who know! I'm so excited for the things coming up in my life and am appreciating my family and friends more every day. More than anything I am appreciating the influence of the gospel in my life and how incredibly blessed I am to have been born into the covenant. I LOVE THE GOSPEL. Seriously though, it brings such peace and happiness into my life. I really don't know how people deal with life without something as firm as the LDS church to lean on for support and guidance. I'm incredibly blessed with this knowledge and I want so badly to help others come unto Christ so they too can feel the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for them. Hopefully I am a good missionary and can work hard and find success on my mission. Next up, finding out where I'm going! #missionsarereal

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